You can also find and follow my work on Google Scholar or Research Gate.
(*Journal in Social Science Citation Index)
- *2025. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “What is special about women in EU institutions?” European Union Politics Volume 26 (1): online first.
- 2023. Coffé, Hilde, Marta Fraile, Amy Alexander, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, and Susan Banducci. “Masculinity, sexism and populist radical right support.” Frontiers in Political Science 5:1038659. doi: 10.3389/fpos.2023.1038659.
- *2020. Marta Fraile & Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Unpacking Gender, Age and Education Knowledge Inequalities: A Systematic Comparison.” Social Science Quarterly. Volume 101 (4): 1653-1669.
- *2020. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Political Knowledge: Assessing the Stability of Gender Gaps Cross-nationally.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research Volume 32 (1): 46-65. DOI: 10.1093/ijpor/edz005
- *2019. Sarah C. Dingler, Corinna Kroeber, & Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Do Parliaments Underrepresent Women’s Policy Preferences? Exploring Gender Equality in Policy Congruence in 21 European Democracies” Journal of European Public Policy. Volume 26 (2): 302-321. (OPEN ACCESS!). DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1423104.
- *2019. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, Christina Eder, Corinna Kroeber, and Vanessa Marent. “How Party Systems Shape Local-National Gender Gaps.” Government and Opposition. Volume 54, no. 1, pp. 52-74.
• Democratic Audit: http://www.democraticaudit.com/2018/04/11/more-women-at-the-top-why-we-see-variation-in-local-national-gender-
- *2019. Corinna Kroeber, Vanessa Marent, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, & Christina Eder. “Still a glass ceiling? Tracing the limits to women’s representation in elected office.” Comparative European Politics. Volume 17 (1): 112–131. (Online First, FREE ACCESS HERE). DOI: 10.1057/s41295-018-0114-5.
• Counting counts blog: https://effectsofelectoralsystemchange.jimdo.com/english/counting-counts/still-a-glass-ceiling/
- *2018. Philipp Harfst, Sarah C. Dingler, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, Julian Noseck & Sven Kosanke. “Elusive Indeed – The Mechanical versus Psychological Effects of Electoral Rules at the District Level.” Electoral Studies. Volume 53 (June): 90-98. (OPEN ACCESS!). DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2018.04.001
- *2018. Maier, Jürgen, Thorsten Faas, Berthold Rittberger, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger (and many more!). “This Time it’s Different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on Young Citizens’ and its Consequence for EU Democracy – Evidence from a Quasi-experiment in 24 Countries.” Journal of European Public Policy. Volume 25(4): 606-629. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2016.1268643.
- 2017. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, Philipp Harfst & Sarah C. Dingler. “The Costs of Electoral Fraud. Establishing the Link between Degrees of Electoral Integrity, Winning an Election, and Satisfaction with Democracy.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. Volume 27(3): 350-368. (OPEN ACCESS!). DOI: 10.1080/17457289.2017.1310111.
• EPOP blog: https://www.psa.ac.uk/psa-communities/specialist-groups/elections-public-opinion-and-parties-epop/blog/what-
• Making Electoral Democracy Work: http://electoraldemocracy.com/important-winning-winning-fair-election-2399
- *2016. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Cross-national Gender-gaps in Political Knowledge: How Much is Due to Context?” Political Research Quarterly. OPEN ACCESS! Volume 69(3):391-402. DOI: 10.1177/1065912916642867.
- *2016. Christina Eder, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger & Corinna Kroeber. “The Higher the Fewer? Patterns of Female Representation across Levels of Government in Germany” Parliamentary Affairs. Volume 69 (2): 366-386. DOI: 10.1093/pa/gsv021.
- *2015. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger & Berthold Rittberger. “Nominating Women for EP Elections: Exploring the Role of Political Parties’ Recruitment Procedures.” European Journal of Political Research. Volume 54(4): 767-783. DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12101. Blog entry about this article
- Democratic Audit UK blog: http://www.democraticaudit.com/?p=18167
- *2014. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Exploring the Relationship between Infrastructural and Coercive State Capacity.” Democratization. Volume 21 (7): 1244-1264. DOI:10.1080/13510347.2014.960207. Reprinted in: Jørgen Møller & Svend-Erik Skaaning (Eds.) 2016. The State-Democracy Nexus Conceptual Distinctions, Theoretical Perspectives, and Comparative Approaches. Routledge.
- *2014. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger & Berthold Rittberger. “Do Electoral Rules Matter? Explaining National Differences in Women’s Representation in the European Parliament.” European Union Politics. Volume 15(4): 496-520. DOI: 10.1177/1465116514527179.
Blog entries about this article
- *2014. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “The Role of Infrastructural and Coercive State Capacity in Explaining Different Types of Electoral Fraud.” Democratization. Volume 21 (1): 95-117. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2012.724064.
- *2013. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger & Christina Eder. “Towards a Gender-equal Bundestag? The Impact of Electoral Rules on Women’s Representation.” West European Politics. Volume 36(5): 969-985. DOI:10.1080/01402382.2013.796702.
- *2013. Jessica Fortin. “Measuring Presidential Powers: Revisiting Existing Aggregate Measurement.” International Political Science Review. Volume 34(1): 91-112. DOI: 10.1177/0192512111421357.
- *2012. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Explaining Post-communist Founding Elections Results through Initial State Capacity.” East European Politics & Societies. Volume 26 (4): 724 - 742. DOI: 10.1177/0888325412452590.
- *2012. Jessica Fortin. “Is There a Necessary Condition for Democracy? The Role of State Capacity in Post-Communist Countries.” Comparative Political Studies. Volume 45 (7): 903-930. DOI: 10.1177/0010414011428587.
- *2010. Jessica Fortin. “A Tool to Evaluate State Capacity in Post-Communist Countries, 1989-2006.” European Journal of Political Research 49(5): 654-686. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2009.01911.x.
- 2008. Jessica Fortin. “Patterns of Democracy? Counterevidence from Nineteen Post-Communist Countries.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Comparative Governance and Politics) 2(2):198-220. DOI 10.1007/s12286-008-0014-1.
- 2022. Dingler, Sarah C. & Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Women and Leadership in the European Parliament. A Long-Term Perspective.” In Henriette Müller and Ingeborg Tömmel (eds.) Women and Leadership in the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2021. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger and Lena Ramstetter. “The Privilege of (Defining) Knowledge. Gender Differences in Political Knowledge across Europe.” In Gabriele Abels, Andrea Krizsan, Heather MacRae, Anna van der Vleuten (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Gender and EU Politics. London: Routledge.
- 2017. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Strong Presidents for Weak States. How Weak State Capacity fosters Vertically Concentrated Executives” in Philipp Harfst, Ina Kubbe, Thomas Poguntke (eds.) Parties, Governments and Elites: The Comparative Study of Democracy, Springer series in comparative politics.
• Presidential Power blog: http://presidential-power.com/?p=6646
- 2017. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger and Lena Ramstetter. “Eine Frage der Perspektive? Ein Blick auf Demokratisierungsprozesse und ihre Begrenzungen.” In Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz, and Jessica Fortin-Rittberger (eds.) Demokratie – ein Interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Edition (in press).
- 2016. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, David Howell, Stephen Quinlan and Bojan Todosijevic. “Supplementing cross-national surveys with contextual data” in Christof Wolf, Dominique Joye, Tom W Smith, Yang-chih Fu (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology, Sage Publishers. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781473957893.n42
- 2014. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Time-Series Cross-Section” in Henning Best and Christof Wolf (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference, Sage Publishers. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781446288146.n17
companion website! - 2014. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger. “Exploring the Relationship between Infrastructural and Coercive State Capacity.” in: Jørgen Møller & Svend-Erik Skaaning (Eds.) 2016. The State-Democracy Nexus Conceptual Distinctions, Theoretical Perspectives, and Comparative Approaches. Routledge (reprint from Democratization. Volume 21 (7): 1244-1264. DOI:10.1080/13510347.2014.960207).
- 2021. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger & corinna Kröber. “Der neu gewählte Deutsche Bundestag. Ein Schritt in Richtung eines "repräsentativen" Parlaments?” Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 2021 / Nach der Bundestagswahl. (APuZ 47–49/2021).
- 2019. Jessica Fortin-Rittberger & Berthold Rittberger. “Nur keine Angst vor der Quote.” Gastbeitrag für Die Zeit.Online. https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2019-02/frauenquote-politik-paritaet-gesetze
- 2017. Fortin-Rittberger, Jessica and Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz (Eds.). Demokratie – ein Interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Edition (in press).
- 2009. Jessica Fortin. “European Perspectives to International Relations, Recent Developments.” Swiss Political Science Review. 15(1): Book review essay of: Jørgensen, Knud Erik and Tonny Brems Knudsen (2008), International Relations in Europe. Traditions, Perspectives, and Destinations. London: Routeledge. Telò, Mario (2008), Relations internationales. Une perspective européenne. Bruxelles: Les Editions de Bruxelles.
- 2008. Jessica Fortin. “Post or Post-colonialism? Soviet Imperial Legacies and Regime Diversity in East Europe and the former USSR.” Doctoral Dissertation, Montreal, McGill University.
- 2008. Jessica Fortin. “Les relations civils-militaires” in Relations internationales: théories et concepts, Alex Macleod, Evelyne Dufault, Guillaume Dufour, David Morin et Yannick Quéau (Eds), Editions Athéna, Montréal.
- 2017. Eder, Christina; Fortin-Rittberger, Jessica. Women and Parties in German Assemblies (WaP). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5990 Data file Version 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.12725
- 2021. Author meets critics book panel: “Beyond Presidentialism and Parliamentarism: Democratic Design and the Separation of Powers” (Steffen Ganghof). Jahrestagung der Sektion Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Ocotber 2021.
- 2021. “Capturing Representations Deficits, Looking Past Descriptive Representation.” (with Christina Eder) Paper presented at the 28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), 14.-16. September 2021.
- 2020: “Facing the Glass Ceiling: Women’s Leadership in the European Parliament” (with Sarah C. Dingler). Paper presented at the Women and EU Leadership Workshop (Osnabrück).
- 2017. “What do you know? Comparing the gender gap in political knowledge across items” (with Marta Fraile), Paper presented at the 5th European Conference on Politics and Gender. Lausanne – June 2017. Panel P039. Gender and Political Engagement.
- 2017. “Mechanical and Political Consequences of Electoral Systems. A Dynamic Perspective” (with Philipp Harfst, Sarah C. Dingler, Julian Noseck and Seven Kosanke).Presented at the 75th Annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago 6-9 April 2017.
- 2016. “Gender Gaps in political knowledge” (with Marta Fraile) Paper prepared for delivery at the Annual American Political Science Association Conference, Philadelphia PA, 1-4 September 2016.
- 2016. “Are women’s policy preferences underrepresented in parliament? Exploring gender equality in policy congruence in 24 European democracies” (With Sarah C. Dingler & Corinna Kröber). Paper prepared for delivery at the European Political Science Association (EPSA) Annual conference, Brussels, 23-25 June and at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Munich, 30 June-2 July 2016.
- 2016. “Mechanical and Political Consequences of Electoral Systems. A Dynamic Perspective” (with Philipp Harfst, Sarah C. Dingler, Julian Noseck, Sven Kosanke). Paper prepared for delivery at European Political Science Association (EPSA) Annual conference, Brussels, 23-25 June.
- 2016. “Do more women cause more women? Refuting the idea of women’s representation as a self-reinforcing process” (with Corinna Kröber, Vanessa Marent, Christina Eder). Presented at the 74th Annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago April 7-10 2016, (panel 29-1 Gender, Minorities and Legislative Representation).
- 2015. “Does Weak State Capacity Produce Vertically Concentrated Executives?” Presented at the Workshop on State Bureaucracy and Democratic Development, Aarhus University, October 15-16 2015.
- 2015. “Nominating Women: Political Recruitment and Multi-level Representation in the EU” (with Berthold Rittberger) Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference 2015. Montreal, Canada, August 26-29.
- 2015. “Do weak left-wing parties cause under-representation of women at lower levels of government? An analysis of the German case across four levels of government.” (With Christina Eder, Corinna Kröber, and Vanessa Marent) Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference 2015. Montreal, Canada, August 26-29.
- 2015. “Nominating Women for EP Elections: Exploring the Role of Political Parties’ Recruitment Procedures” (with Berthold Rittberger) Prepared for delivery at the Annual Midwest Political Association Conference, Chicago IL., April 16-19. (Panel title: Electoral Institutions and Female Representation).
- 2015. “Political Knowledge: Assessing the Stability of Gender Gaps Using Cross-national Data” Prepared for delivery at the Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, IL. April 15-18 2015. (Panel title:Political Knowledge and Participation in Comparative Perspective).
- 2024. Guest speaker: Frauenquoten in Parteien– immer noch sinnvoll? Symposium Frauen und (Politische) Macht. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 18.3.2024.
- 2021. Keynote: “Politische Repräsentation: Identitäten, Ungleichheiten, Legitimation.” Deutsche Nachwuchsgesellschaft für Politik- und Sozialwissenschaft e. V. (DNGPS)/Young Journal of European Affairs (YJEA).
- 2021. Guest speaker: “Roundtable on publishing.” European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG).
- 2019. Guest speaker in “Overcoming Democratic Backsliding - Reviving the Promise of Democracy” The State of Democracy in East-Central Europe: Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) Brussels, November 20th, 2019.
- 2017. “Do Parliaments Underrepresent Women’s Policy Preferences?” presented at the Center for European Studies, University of Florida, November 17, 2017.
- 2017. “Presidents vs. Parliaments. Reconsidering Conventional Wisdom.” Workshop The Comparative Study of Democracy, Parties, Governments, and Elites. Zentrum für Demokratieforschung, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, May 12.
- 2015. Diskussionsveranstaltung “World Regions Compared: Polity, Politics and Policy” Welcome and Kickoff Discussion Event, DVPW Sektionstagung Vergl. Politikwissenschaft (Comparative Political Science Section Conference), 25.2.2015
- 2014. “The Presence of Women in Local Government,” Enquete-Kommission des Salzburger Landtags, Themenbereich 'Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in politischen Funktionen' Salzburger Landtag, September 25th.
- 2013. “Measurements of Presidental Power,” Zentrum für Demokratieforschung, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, June 4 2013.
- 2012. “Demokratie und Demokratisierung,” Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences (BSS) - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU) und das Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), July 24th 2012.